3 credits
Fall 2024 Lecture Distance Learning Upper DivisionThis course introduces students to the physiology and medicine underlying major human diseases likely to become research targets in biomedical engineering and medical device development. It encourages students to upgrade research target selection to include projects that promise to improve patient care, with a major emphasis on pathophysiology and disease mechanisms. The information and intellectual approach offered will help students recognize needs for engineering solutions to current challenges in medicine. The course also previews the intellectual content of medical school, including rigor and level of detail, for engineering students considering designing medical solutions or translational engineering research as a career, emphasizing the key "11-points" necessary for practical understanding of any disease: definition of the condition, causes, functional abnormalities, structural abnormalities, early signs, history and physical findings, differential diagnosis, special studies (lab, imaging, etc.), treatment strategy, specific steps of treatment, and follow up, as well as current clinical needs for innovation and research opportunities for the future. To avoid possible redundancy with the Weldon School undergraduate curriculum, focal areas of the course include topics and body systems not covered in BME 25600, including infectious diseases, cardiopulmonary diseases, hematology-oncology, and gastrointestinal diseases.
Course BME 55600 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.