0 or 3 credits
Spring 2025 Lecture Recitation Distance Learning Lower DivisionCore Transfer LibraryHumanitiesThe basic problems and types of philosophy, with special emphasis on the problems of knowledge and the nature of reality. CTL:ISH 1050 Introduction To Philosophy
Learning Outcomes1Demonstrate familiarity with several of the basic problems of philosophy, with a special emphasis on the problems of knowledge and the nature of reality.
2Demonstrate exposure to and knowledge of some of the central ideas from some major figures in the history of philosophy, including Plato, Descartes, and at least one "British Empiricist."
3Develop the ability to present, explain, defend and critically evaluate complex philosophical ideas, theories, and perspectives, in oral and written communication.
4Develop the ability to locate, interpret, understand and evaluate philosophical arguments encountered in complex philosophical texts within the contexts and traditions that inform those arguments and texts.
5Develop critical thinking and writing skills.
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