1 credit
Spring 2025 Lecture Distance Learning HonorsLower DivisionThis course is for Freshman students in the School of Health Sciences Honors Program. This course consists of a 50-minute weekly seminar meeting designed to orient and familiarize Freshman HSCI Honors students with the School of Health Sciences including research areas and current topics in public health and biomedical research. Students will interact with guest speakers and expand their knowledge base in health science research. In addition to the seminar, students will be matched to a faculty mentor in a research area of their interest during the fall semester. Students will develop and design a research project with their faculty mentor (to be conducted in HSCI 19601 during the spring semester). In the spring semester, students will enroll in the seminar series (HSCI 19501) and in the research project course (HSCI 19601) to complete their project. Each student will be responsible for presenting and reporting on their research project during the spring seminar series. Permission of departmental required.
Course HSCI 19501 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.