HSCI 454: Clinical Immunohematology

1 to 10 credits

Spring 2025Credit By ExaminationDepartmental CreditFull-Time PrivilegesUpper Division
Data from
Spring 2025
last updated 2/17/2025

A review of serologic principles and technical fundamentals of transfusion practice; a comprehensive consideration of all blood groups, with emphasis on ABO and Rh-Hr blood group systems. Extensive practice is gained in pre-transfusion techniques and antibody identification in the laboratory. Other blood types and antigen-antibody relationships are taught in laboratory and lectures. Also included are blood donor room procedures; preparation of blood components; correlation of blood component therapy with disease states; quality control of all reagents, procedures, and equipment used; and laboratory safety measures, all of which offer the best patient care and protection of laboratory personnel.

Course HSCI 454 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.


Medical Technology or Medical Laboratory Sciences majors
NOFreshmen (15-29 credits), Juniors (75-89 credits), Sophomores (45-59 credits)...show more

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