ECON 562: Econometrics I

3 credits

Fall 2021 Distance Learning Upper Division
Data from
Fall 2021
last updated 8/23/2024
Fall 2021 Instructors:

This masters-level course in econometrics covers the tools that will enable students to conduct empirical analysis using economics data. The course examines the statistical techniques used in testing economic theories, estimating casual effects, and making predictions. Emphasis is placed on estimating a single equation (e.g., a demand function) and the problems associated with such estimation. As part of the course, students will estimate equations using STATA, a statistical software package. Permission of department required.

Course ECON 562 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.


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Programs Economics-CPOSTB, Economics-MA Teaching, Economics-MS, Economics-MS, more
NOSophomores (45-59 credits), Sophomores (30-44 credits), Freshmen (0-14 more

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