3 credits
Fall 2024 Lecture HumanitiesScienceUpper DivisionThis course will utilize case studies of controversial science news to explore the multiple factors that converge to influence how science and technology become controversial issues across a variety of social/ political domains. In addition to foundational understanding of communication theory, students will develop two primary skills: 1) a structure for the critical analysis of science news, 2) the skills to meaningfully communicate across stakeholders. The science content (GMOs, climate change, pesticide use, etc.) will provide the background information for analysis of the main focus of the course, which is in learning the communication process for effectively communicating science to non-science audiences. Case studies and applied critical media theory will be utilized to explore such controversies as climate change, genetically modified foods, and other emergent science controversies.
Course ASEC 355 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.