1 or 3 credits
Spring 2025 Lecture Distance LearningMentored experience in the teaching of engineering, with structured opportunities for individual reflection. All students create a scholarly teaching portfolio. Students who register for three credits conduct a scholarship of teaching and learning project. Prerequisites: Significant concurrent responsibility for teaching an engineering course. Registration in or completion of ENE 50600 (Content, Assessment And Pedagogy) or ENE 68500 (Educational Methods In Engineering); or instructor permission required.
Learning Outcomes1Think critically about the relationships between your teaching experiences and the readings in this course and the prerequisite courses.
2Use reflection, mentoring, and student feedback to learn from teaching experiences.
3Explain the reasons for choices of teaching methods.
4Analyze evidence of student learning.
5Identify and address ethical issues in teaching situations.
6Plan and carry out a scholarly investigation of teaching and learning through the SoTL project.