ASTR 370: Cosmology

3 credits

Fall 2024 Lecture Upper Division
Data from
Fall 2024
last updated 10/14/2024
Fall 2024 Instructors:

Intended for science and engineering majors. Basic physics and math knowledge will be assumed. The picture of how the Universe came to be and how it has evolved has recently come into sharp focus. This progress is the result of improved observational techniques that have resulted in high resolution images of very distant galaxies, a more accurate mapping of the Large Scale Structure of the Universe or the high resolution picture of the young universe provided by Cosmic Microwave Background observations. We will present a historical perspective of how ideas and data have shaped Cosmology through the centuries. In addition, we will review the theoretical models that are in agreement with the current observations. Our goal will be to provide the students with a broad overview of the current research in Cosmology with an eye toward stimulating the students curiosity about the many questions still awaiting answers in this field.

Course ASTR 370 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.



Fall 2021

GPA by professor

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Other terms
Kyou...(Fall 2019)
John...(Fall 2020)
Amy ...(Fall 2019)

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Soha...(Fall 2019)

No grades available


Paul Cole Duffell

12:00 pm

Paul Cole Duffell

12:00 pm


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