BCHM 601: Critical Analysis Of Biochemical Research Literature I

2 credits

Fall 2019 Lecture
Data from
Fall 2019
last updated 8/23/2024
Fall 2019 Instructors:

The objective of this course is to assist students in acquiring the skills needed to read critically, evaluate, and assimilate the primary scientific literature. This objective will be accomplished by instructor-guided discussions of the hypotheses, experimental data, conclusions, and scientific merit of assigned manuscript(s) taken from the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology. Topics for discussion initially will focus on the structure, organization, review process, and ethical issues related to scientific manuscripts. As the semester progresses, discussions will focus on the hypotheses being tested, quality of the data, and validity of the conclusions. Permission of instructor required. Typically offered Fall.

Course BCHM 60100 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.



GPA by professor


Elizabeth J Tran

9:00 am


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