VM 248: Understanding Animal Disease-DL

2 credits

Summer 2023 Distance Learning Lower Division
Data from
Summer 2023
last updated 8/23/2024

This course is a survey of common small animal and large animal diseases, their clinical signs, and how these signs can be explained by physiology and pathophysiology. The zoonotic potential for the disease and the role of the veterinary technician in the treatment, management, and education of client/owner of the affected animal is also emphasized.

Course VM 24800 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.



Vet Nursing Dist Learning or Vet Tech Distance Learning majors

GPA by professor

Mala...(Fall 2021)
Beth...(Fall 2022)
Chad...(Fall 2022)

No grades available

Jami...(Fall 2022)

No grades available


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made by Purdue students.