VM 108: Veterinary Technology Career Exploration

0 or 1 credit

Spring 2023 Lecture Clinic Lower Division
Data from
Spring 2023
last updated 8/23/2024

This course will introduce students to basic concepts related to the veterinary technology profession. The course will provide an introduction to the various career opportunities within the veterinary healthcare profession as well as a general introduction to the attributes and traits of veterinary medical professionals. Veterinary technology as a career will be explored to promote understanding of the responsibilities of the veterinary technician and technologist in the veterinary medical field. Enrollment restricted to non-veterinary technology majors and first-year veterinary technology students. Second through fourth-year veterinary technology students may not register for this course.

Course VM 108 from Purdue University - West Lafayette.

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Other terms
Bian...(Spring 2019)

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Robe...(Spring 2020)

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Pamela J Phegley

1:30 pm


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